Graduation Day...
Many mails cluttering my mailbox on Subject like '%convocation%' and I am very happy to see altogether(!all) once again after my 8th Semester Exam hall (i think that was last time we altogether,correct me if i m wrong)
Guys are showing good enthusiasm on this conglomeration, looking forward to meet the maximum number. Even I saw some mails with all colorful fotos with convocation, its really superb! Below are some snippets stolen from my Inbox,
From : Hemanth
(first person to put all those mails, seed for this event)
Hope this is the first and Last opportunity that we have got to get ourself dressed in the Convocation Gown and Cap and pose for the Camera.......and say the final adieu to the college ..
From: Krishna.Divagar
This is the final chance for us to meet @ college as a group. I know Project pressure is always there, so dont use that as a reason to skip. This is not a general function like anybody's treat to skip. Try ur best to Come and meet @ college on Mar 14 w/o fail.
Hope to meet u all @ College.
From: Venky
Hi all,
One of the gr8 days in our life is very near... Yes our "Convocation Day"... Remember the days everyone were tiring ourselves for the public exam, entrance exam to get a seat into PEC..
Come on GUYS n GALS, don't miss this day.. U r having minimum 30 more years of service left in this industry but u can never get this opportunity again... If some of ur DEAR friends r reluctant in coming for this, Convince them...
From: Suresh
Till Yesterday i was reluctant in attending the convocation.............
But as i see the things evolving through mails i have changed my mind to attend the Convocation.......................
And Iam really eager to see u all guys in our auditorium.................
And if possible we can arrange for a group photo if more guys turn out...
..........................LETS MAKE IT A GALA EVENT

From: Me
Hi Guys!
we, hyderabadians decided to come to convocation and looking forward to meet you all :-)
I asked my brother to pay the fees for all, so far he needs to pay for total 9 of us, thx to him :)
Will see how it turns!
Going by Garuda on coming friday and return on Wednesday!
will keep u posted more on convocation with black gowns fotos soon!
Itz My Life...
Naanum ellarayum onna paakradhukku aavala irukaen. Hope ellarum varuvaanganu. I congratulate you and all our friends.
Congrats !!!
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