I was JAMmed
Usually I like to sit in audience side in any stage shows, because there we are more comfortable and also make fun of others. Its cool!
But this time I just wanted to participate and test myselves how I am JAMming, ok its not too bad. But unable to speak in a topic for long time. These are the general rules for the JAM,

General Rules
(*) Each participant would be give a topic to speak on, on which he/she needs to speak continuously for a minute, unless interrupted by other participants.
(*) Other participants may interrupt the speaker with objections like ‘grammatical mistakes’, ‘speech defects’, ‘time wasting tactics’, ‘deviation from the topic’ etc.
(*) Once the objection is made the JAM master decides whether the objection is valid or not. If valid the objection is sustained and the person who objects gets 4 bonus points and the chance to continue speaking. If not, the objection is overruled and the person loses 2 points and the first speaker continues.
(*) For every second spoken, the speaker gains one point. The JAM master might provide addition bonus points for humour and may penalize the speaker for bonus negatives for any malcontent.
(*) JAM masters decision is final and binding.
Each participant would be given a topic for a HAM (Half a minute) in groups of 5.
Thus we would have 7 * 5 rounds of HAM from which we would select the best 5 speakers who would go thru the finals.
5 speakers, get one topic each for a JAM (Just A Minute)
Guys! what do you say, shall we JAM in our room? ;-)
Indha veera vilayaattu thevaya??
i thought u blogged something about ur jammin experience against my team mate..but given something else..what topic u got..?what did u speak ?how did the other guy do?
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