Monday, December 19, 2005

Lessons from My Cricket Match

Be a Sachin rather than being a Ganguly..

Leading the team really is very difficult and it requires more skills.
Its all based on how we maintain human relationships with the team members.
We always keep encouraging people rather than pointing out their mistakes.

Losing a game and winning it are two sides of the same coin.
So, if we lost the game, we should not blame others. In this area, I m little
bit weak, huh ha mouly common dont do this pls!

How to develop good human relationships with the team members, how to make them
comfortable in playing with a good team lead/captain. Try to identify their
potential skills and give them fair chance to prove themselves.

I tried to do sometimes, but miserably fails because some1 will shout "This is just a game, all we are here to play, just go ahead and finish it off!!"
But it should not be that way, there should be good level of spirit both in play and having fun while we play.

Organising a team really a tough job, very tougher than anything else.
1.Giving correct overs to correct players at correct time (esp at chasing time)
2.Batting order determines the score and run rates, so equally important.
3.Last but not the least, one way or other way every1 shud be given chance in a team
to prove themselves. And atleast at the end of the day, they should have some words to speak about their "Highlights" in that match.
"Something really funny to talk about the highlights of the match"
We people spend quite a lot of time in discussing the completed match ;-)


At 4:24 AM, Blogger Hariks said...

I also go with you. Game Spirit is always required. If that spirit is there, it automatically grows good relationship among the team members as well as with the opponents and tensionless game which is always required for a success.


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