Thursday, January 05, 2006


Am I an Enthusiastic? or over enthusiastic??

Hmm, I myself sometimes go out of control and behave like an enthu. Especially I can see myself as an enthu,
1. when demonstrating a particular in which I am more comfortable
2. while teaching to someone
3. while advising people (my friends used to kid me in this matter ;-)
4. if play a game which turns to a challenge or involves a team work
(good example I can give is Cricket)

So, just wanted to jot down those things where I m going wrong or over enthu.

Its kind of 'self-realisation' to my self. Many times I used to realise late, oh! did I speak too much to him/her. Could I been much softer when handling the things? Like that, mind starts intriguing myself and asking zillion of questions.

But I am little bit highly controversial in this topic,
To be an enthu or to not be?
Sometimes enthusiasm leads you to invent/achieve/innovate the things and sometimes you go mad on by your enthu, will lose your peace of mind. Slow and steady wins the race always, my other side of brain starts telling me. Hey! be calm in doing the things, dont exaggerate anything with others, cant u shut up for sometime?

A feeling of excitement comes often to me, I am easily captured by the happenings around me and will tempt me to be an enthu. A kind of avidity always pushes me to think about something always and moves my mind to an unstable equilibrium position.
INterest, involvement, zest will made me ebullient person sometimes!

"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm," said the very quotable Ralph Waldo Emerson, who also said, "Everywhere the history of religion betrays a tendency to enthusiasm." These two uses of the word enthusiasmone positive and one negative both derive from its source in Greek.

-Itz my Life...


At 8:13 PM, Blogger Hariks said...

Strong interest in doing something leads to Enthusiasm.

Strong desire/weakness/fame in doing something leads to over Enthusiasm.

As far as I know. So be interested and do not be desired or be weak in doing something.

At 9:14 PM, Blogger KP said...

Again started advising...?

At 8:51 PM, Blogger Manoj said...


i dont want u to change this enthu behaviour.

Be enthu. Buy enthu.

Dont get turned down by criticisms.
Though the word 'enthu' commonly used in wrong places, i dont think it as though. It brings in LIFE, INTEREST etc.,

But be sure. Speak ur heart or be enthu only to those who talk to ur face and not behind u.

keep going. this isnt syndrome. a thing to appreciate.


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