Its been quite a long time I seen 'Sunrise'. One of my roomates even doesnt know what is Sunrise, its ok! sorry vk.
My routine life, i always used to analyse a lot, failed to implement it!! Like those the following is my observation of my routine.
1. Usually start trying to wake up from 6.30 IST to 8.00 IST
2. If I came very late from office, repeat step 1 until feel comfortable to wake up
3. I will be in the queue to catch my window to take bath.
4. Waiting for hot water, heater and fuse breaks are very common in my early mornings
5. Breaking all the above barriers, take bath. Sometimes hot, ella na sami saranam
pattu dhan. Dont feel that much cold when you sing the song enthusiastically while
you pour water in your body. Huh! gr8 invention by me..its me! hehe
6. Slowly my splendor gets dust and nowadays going with VK pulsar, his passion.
7. Feel like eating in my home and also its the world's most economical hotel.
My usual breakfast menu,
1 plate poori - 4 pieces - 6 Rs
1 cup chai - 1 - 2 Rs
Total = 8 Rs
But will satisfy you like eating in Taj Hotels!!
8. Step in the office at approx 9.30 - 11.00 (depends on step 2)
9. Being a s/w prof, will take 2-4 teas daily and will spend 1/2 hr in lunch.
10. About 21.00, will try starting to goto home, always try to watch 'Selvi' serial
11. For sake of eating 3times/daily, will have my dinner and will goto home.
12. See all the faces which I may missed to see in the morning.some are sleeping
or some are watching movies. hehe
13. Goto bed, exit(0);
you can also suggest some improvements over here ;-) or do share your routines.haha