Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Vote podungama...

Yer endha erundu pergael...
evargal endha katchi..

rare photo to have in my blog..
kandipa yen votu ungaluku dhaan pa, unga votuu..!!!

Monday, November 28, 2005

Adhu oru rathiri neram...

Adhu oru rathiri neram..
all are sitting together in my room...
10 eyes towards one rectangle box and a single finger is making
some actions. All were shouting whether is it an Apple or a Boy or a Cat
or a Dog.

Literally our brains are outside our head and was in a bench...

Boojiyam, saiber, zero, muttai..
adherku matru oru payer dhaan NULL in one language...
there were some chaos in choosing the thing bcoz of this void matter called "NULL"

I want to post an article on this to make it clear for me and also for others
reference on this Fifth state of void matter so called NULL.

Null Values
A NULL in a database denotes (shock, horror!) a missing value. Such things have a way of happening.

Nulls pose the following problems:

* If you inner join columns and one of the values is NULL, that row will be ignored. Note that fixes exist, but those that use or or in, cannot be combined with an outer join (which cannot be used with or or in).
* NULLs in aggregate functions are ignored; for example, if you're adding up and averaging say, incomes, the person with a null income will be ignored. Well and good if his income was null; not so hot if some silly person forgot to enter the value! Note that there is a useful property of the count function - if you provide it with a constant (eg 1) as an argument, it counts all the rows in the table, but if you provide it with an expression, it looks for all column names within that expression, and then excludes rows containing NULL values for any one of those columns!
* Conversion functions {??? QV xref} provided with null, return null.
* NULLs mess around with Boolean logic (Well, actually, they extend it to something you don't want to know a lot about, Lukasiewiczian logic)!
* All operators (apart from || concatenation) return NULL if you (anywhere, just anywhere) give them a NULL to play around with!

There is only one rule for NULL values, and that is:

Avoid NULL values. Okay, you should also avoid anthrax and casual sex...

If, however, you through some defect in your psychological makeup cannot do so (avoid the NULLs, that is) or you've inherited a database stuffed with NULLs, then you can do a variety of things:

* Curl into the foetal position and whimper quietly to yourself until they come and cart you away;
* Test for the NULLs using something along the lines of
where columname is NULL
(You can also use is not null for the opposite condition);
* Use order by on the offending column to list the null columns
* Use a quick fix:

Quick NULL fixes
If you know exactly what you're doing, you might want to take your data and in calculations use another value for NULL. This sort of approach should be taken with appropriate fear and trembling. Here's an example of the coalesce function that does the dirty deed, in this case replacing all NULLs in calculations with the value zero:

select avg ( coalesce (columname, 0)) from tablename;

You should only apply the above approach if you are sure that the substitution is appropriate, which is rarely the case! Note that different SQL dialects have different synonyms for coalesce - for example, Oracle uses nvl.

Even more contrary is to replace a known value with NULL ! SQL92 provides the nullif( columname, targetvalue) function to do so. Some SQL implementations lack this function, if not the functionality.

Courtesy: http://www.anaesthetist.com/mnm/sql/frills.htm

Thursday, November 24, 2005

My Blog statistics

Thanks to Google Analytics

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Blogging and viral marketing (contd...)

Bloggers Park contest, IRIS, IIM Indore

Last post continued and some more new dimensions to the bloggers world added...

4. Blogs for Photo world

- Info abt the traditions of the city and culture of the people can be easily viewed through this kind of photo blogs which are taken n maintained by the particular city blogger representatives.
- This system can be collaborated with Google Maps to bring a new face to Photo Bloggers world
- Nowadays, many of us maintain personal photo blogs and this can be easily linked to many matrimonial sites to get more info abt the brides, intersting one!!!

5. *Blogs for Community*

- Sharing of emotions, happiness, sorrow and all kind of feelings can be shared with our friends, it may be the sweet moments in our life or daytoday happenings.

- To encourage social work among people n also to know the social events n happenings around the world. Concept of e-governance can also be merged into this.

- Also using blogs for community, one can donate funds to poor, adopt a child for his education, helping oldage ppl and so on...

So like these, many different bloggers community can be formed to serve for the particular purpose. Blogs are boon to us and it should be useful to the society also, especially (1) and (5)

Finally, I feel like I contributed something for bloggers world :-)

Blogging and viral marketing

Bloggers Park contest, IRIS, IIM Indore

I used to write, scribble a lots of silly things in my blog!!!
Some of my posts have good hits, especially posts like
* new Cinema releases
* stories about personalities
* information on technical & general news-updates

I found this competition link in one of the participants blog and I wanted to make a try, this is a good eg I can give for "Viral Marketing"
This way many bloggers are also doing good blogging business at recent times.
Word-of-Mouth in the Blogosphere

When I was surfing in Google's blogsearch, I got all the hits and the participants who are participating for this great Blog event. The solid thing I can found from all the posts are "Recent trends in Blogging and Proven results, statistics n stuff!!!"
Out of all the participants, I loved blogging one of the sites very much and it also has interesting pieces of info.. (more info)
Like this, bloggers have immense power to attract/mesmerize people in their natural writings.

I dont want to reinvent the same wheel, since all have given adequate information about blogging in detail. Rather I would like to view in a new dimension of Blogging, even though some of them may be existing but needs lot of renovation.
Let me take you into my new "World of Blogs"

1. *Blogs for Education"

- Can build a "Bloggers Network" sytem which does internetworking of all the schools, colleges and universities in the world
- Recently DayanidhiMaran, our Telecom Minister announced about Rural computer education in India, this blogging concept can even embedded from the school children
levels also ;-)
- If its not possible in universe level, we can trying building blogger education networks from State schools level or Engg-Colleges level or B-schools level to understand n realise whats happening around our peers.

2. Blogs for Cine Industry

- To get recent updates about which movies running in theatres.
- Also to get the movie reviews from public, excellent example for "Viral marketing"
- This sytem can be built in regional level

3. Blogs for Product advertisements

- Product owners can mention about their blogs even in the labels of the products to advertise them
- e-marketing can be done easily to attract online customers, the blog links also can be given to Big Online shopping Giants like Amazon.com to attract wide range of customers

To be continued...